Xparcel Returns

Effortless Parcel Returns Management

Simplify your returns process and save money with Xparcel
Returns, off ering on-demand labels and QR codes for a
seamless customer experience.

Why Xparcel returns?

Save on Return Shipping
with Xparcel Returns

Pay Only for Used Labels:

With Xparcel Returns, businesses are
charged only when a return package is shipped and delivered. This eliminates the expense of unused prepaid return labels, making it a more economical choice compared to traditional methods.

No Upfront Costs:

Businesses can generate prepaid return shipping labels that can be emailed to a customer or generate digital QR codes
without immediate charges, paying only for the actual returns.

Easy Returns Process:

Customers can choose between a printable label or a digital QR code, providing flexibility and convenience. The QR code option is particularly beneficial for customers without access to a
printer, as they can simply present the code at the post office or a designated drop-off location.

No Printer Needed:

The QR code option streamlines the process, removing the need for customers to print labels and making returns as hassle-free as possible.


Simplifying Ecommerce Returns for You and
Your Customers

Xparcel Returns revolutionizes the way businesses handle customer returns by providing a seamless, efficient, and cost-effective solution.

Unlike traditional methods that require upfront payment for return labels, Xparcel Returns only charges businesses for returns that are actually received, resulting in significant cost savings. This innovative approach not only reduces waste but also enhances the overall customer experience.


Amazing experience! I got my package the next day after being shipped and it was in perfect pristine condition. I was shocked. What a great shipping company!

– Kristin T
"Fast and furiously convenient! My package was delivered just as I had always hoped and expected, but so much quicker than I anticipated! Three cheers to FirstMile shipping!"

– Rebecca Lambert

“I really love FirstMile delivering my packages. I feel like they really value the customer and ensure that each package arrives without damage or tampering. Makes me feel like I can really trust them!”

– Melody Craig

Want to See What Our Customers Have to Say. View More Reviews Here.
Expert Solutions for Startups, Enterprise Shippers, and 3PLs

The All-in-One eCommerce Shipping Solution

Elevate your business to new heights with our industry-leading expertise, dedicated support team, and innovative patented technology, tailored to businesses at every stage of growth.

The Original Smart Routing
Xparcel was built to provide brands at every stage with an accessible and efficient, fully optimized carrier strategy.

Xparcel is a dynamic shipping solution that optimizes package routing according to your unique shipping profile and changing market conditions. Say goodbye to shipment delays caused by carrier disruptions or bottlenecks.
An Extensive National, Regional, Local and International Shipping Network
Take Advantage of Over 50 Million Shipments of Purchasing Power